Shawnna Silvius

Shawnna and her husband, Rob, and son, Rett, have lived in The Meadows for almost 10 years. They also own three adjacent acres that wrap around the west end of the neighborhood where they often explore, make s'mores and house their chickens. Shawnna likes to describe her family's home as a good mullet -- "business in the front, party in the back."

Jessica Lowe 

Jessica and her husband, Brock, have lived in the Meadows since 2018 with their son, Raymond. You will often see them enjoying the outdoors with their family dog, Maggie.


Austin Hable

Austin and his wife, Rachel, have lived in the Meadows since 2018. They have two pets, a cat named Zelda and a hedgehog named Brutus. You will see them frequently enjoying walking around the area and cooking food.

Allison Brondell

Allison and her husband, James, have lived in The Meadows since July 2016. They have two little girls, Julia and Josephine. They love the neighborhood's location to Line Creek Trail. They are frequently playing outside, riding bikes, or exploring nature around the neighborhood.